1. Fantastic chronicle of the landscape Nick, and can’t wait for the coming installments. Re-experiencing euphoria…

    Someone should write a book about this!

    Tom Porter


  2. One other Amherst-based publication deserves mention—the UMass Amherst Campus Chronicle. It was not independent journalism, but it did publish letters to the editor critical of UMass administration policies and featured remarkable, artistic photographs by Stan Sherer. Resources were scarce on campus, and the paper included classified ads where Departments could swap or give away surplus office items that they could not sell publicly because they were state property. The administration replaced the Chronicle with an on-line publication that does not allow any exchanges of opinion among UMass employees about campus policies.


  3. This is really interesting, Nick! We arrived in Amherst 1998 (in Pelham 1996) and heard repeatedly about how we’d basically just missed it.

    The Advocate was at that time still good to many community-based non-profit organizations that worked to make this a better community.

    The Bulletin coverage mattered so much to our family from 1996 through an eventual obvious steady decline in staff and coverage until they started reprinting useless (and page hogging) editorials from the Gazette while they also stopped inserting it in our Thursday Gazette delivery. Many additional copies for relatives had been obtained over the years at then Gazette offices University Drive and then Hastings.

    We still get daily home delivery of the Gazette, Republican, and NYT; guessing there are no longer many like us.

    The Gazette and Bulletin together (Bulletin now finally being mailed after repeated problems 6 months) are a mere shadow of their former selves just in the time we’ve been here, yet we will still be sad to see them both go under.

    The weekly Reminder in the Republican has surprisingly good Amherst coverage. But one outlet is never better than multiple outlets.


  4. Great information and subject!
    There also was the UMass Daily Collegian, even though it was a less thorough paper. Howard Ziff at UMass was a quite a motivating force for journalism. It really was a different time back in the 70’s to 90’s, given that it was before the internet. I found the Advocate’s model at the time interesting. Their papers were everywhere, and with a thorough listing of the Valley’s entertainment. The paper therefore got a lot of circulation with the college crowd.
    Another interesting thing about that time period was the volume of paper flyers and notes posted and stapled to every telephone pole, bus stop, and bulletin board in town (and on campus). The UMass Campus Center walls going towards the Student Union were plastered multiple layers thick with ever changing notices. It really was an era of “print”. The papers were the best place for information (and to search for private used cars 🙂


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