Rolling Strikes & Spares at the Jones

By Robert Repetto

Seniors like to go bowling but, deplorably, there’s not a single venue in Amherst where they can enjoy this healthy social activity.

Photo by Anna Shvets on

Therefore, now that the Jones Library renovation project is being re-evaluated prior to re-bidding, the town’s councilors should use the opportunity to expand the project scope modestly by including a few bowling alleys in the library basement.

Granted, this would increase the project cost somewhat by requiring transverse steel beams to replace load-bearing pillars and walls, as well as a certain amount of soundproofing. However, the additional financial resources could be found. For example, property tax provisions could be adjusted to provide that owners who are late in making their quarterly tax payments would have their properties confiscated. 

Such a shift might seem harsh to some residents; but the Amherst community must come together around its values and priorities. If we can provide a space for our teenagers to congregate and scroll through their devices, surely we can give our seniors, who have already contributed so much to the town, a chance to roll their strikes and spares.

Robert Repetto lives in South Amherst.


  1. Seems like a reasonable, even modest, proposal. Very appealing.
    And what better place to add soundproofing than a library – why didn’t we think of this before?


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