Amherst Town Government

The official Town website is here

Find out what local voting precinct and district you live in, where to vote, and who represents you in Amherst: voting information.

Amherst’s legislative branch is the Town Council. Find out how to communicate with your Councilors, find Council meeting calendars, agendas, information packets, and more here.

The Town Manager submits summaries of the activities of Town departments to our Town Council in advance of each meeting (approximately every other week).

You can read official minutes of Town Council meetings.

Interested in volunteering for a Town Board or Committee?  Look here first.

Find information about Amherst’s local libraries and services.

Amherst has three elementary schools and two Regional secondary schools. Look for the “Our Schools” button at the right on the district’s website to choose a school.

Follow the activities of the Amherst (for the elementary schools) and Regional (for the middle and high schools) School Committees by looking for the “School Committee” link on the district’s website.