Amherst Week Ahead 06.24.24

Every week, we spotlight the town government meetings, and cultural, recreational, and athletics events that caught our eye. Read on and mark your calendars!

Subcommittee on Housing for the Planning Board – Monday

The Planning Board’s Subcommittee on Housing meets on Monday afternoon to discuss several topics related to using zoning to address the housing issues in Amherst. Topics include mixed-use buildings, apartments, and social dormitories, rental strategies such as minimum distance, and increasing usage of subdividable buildings. Monday, 12:00-2:00 pm on Zoom. MORE

Town Council – Monday

The Town Council will vote on the upcoming fiscal year budget and capital plan at its meeting Monday evening. This includes a decision on the Regional School Committee request for more funding for its budget than the original guidance from the Council. They’ll also appoint the members of the Charter Review Committee after postponing this action at last week’s meeting. Read about the charter review process, here. Monday, 6:00-10:30 pm in Town Hall and on Zoom. MORE

Amherst School Committee – Tuesday

The Amherst School Committee meets briefly on Tuesday (at approximately 6:45 or 7:00 pm, after the Pelham SC meeting at 6:30 pm) to review and approve their evaluation of Interim Superintendent Doug Slaughter. They will be joined by the Regional School Committee to review proposed updates to policies on bullying and harassment. Tuesday, ~6:45 to ~7:15 pm in the Library at ARHS and on Amherst Media. MORE

Regional School Committee – Tuesday

After the Amherst School Committee adjourns, the Regional SC continues its meeting beginning with a vote on the 2024-27 contract with the UFCW, the union representing food service staff in the Regional, Amherst, and Pelham school districts. Later, they will discuss and vote on the design for the track and field project. They’ll also review their evaluation of the Interim Superintendent, hear updates from the subcommittees on policy and on Title IX investigative reports, and consider adjustments to budget line items for FY24. Tuesday, ~7:10 pm in the Library at ARHS and on Amherst Media. MORE

Planning Board – Wednesday

The Planning Board will continue discussions at its meeting Wednesday evening about the proposed overlay district along University Drive that’s intended to encourage new housing development there. They’ll also discuss the proposed public restroom installation at Kendrick Park. Wednesday, 6:30-9:00 pm on Zoom. MORE

Janet Planet Film Opening – Thursday

A new film from Pulitzer-Prize winning playwright and Amherst native Annie Baker opens at Amherst Cinema on Thursday evening. Renowned for her evocative storytelling in theater, Baker transitions to the silver screen with Janet Planet. Her directorial debut captures a child’s experience of time passing, and the ineffability of a daughter falling out of love with her mother.

Janet Planet was shot entirely in Western Massachusetts and features significant contributions from area communities—such as Double Edge Theatre in Ashfield—and with many residents participating as cast and crew (including a few of Amherst Cinema’s very own staff!). Thursday, 7:10 and 9:45 pm; visit the website for more show times. $

Summer Reading Kick-Off and Concert – Saturday

The Jones Library is partnering with The Drake again this year for its Summer Reading kick-off event! Come register for Summer Reading and rock out to family-friendly songs by Carrie Ferguson and the Grumpytime Club Band, featuring  music filled with welcoming and inclusive messages about accepting  feelings, celebrating differences, and loving ourselves exactly as we  are. Library  staff will be available before and after the performance to help readers of all ages register for our Summer Reading Program! Saturday, 10:30 am at The Drake. Free. MORE

Berkshire Choral Sings Vaughan Williams – Saturday

The 140 voice festival chorus from Berkshire Choral and full orchestra perform Ralph Vaughan Williams A Sea Symphony and Five Mystical Songs under the baton of Joe Miller. The program offers an epic voyage of the soul, set to the inspiring words of Walt Whitman. Saturday, 7:30 pm at Tillis Performance Hall, Bromery Center for the Arts at UMass. $ MORE

Want more? We’ve gathered the event and program calendars from the many organizations and committees in Amherst onto Community Calendars. Check it out to find even more upcoming events.

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